본문 바로가기
영어/단어장 문제지

09. 메뉴얼, 단어 시험지

by KChang 2021. 7. 31.

MyExpenseTracker is a smartphone application / that allows you / to track expenses / of your business.

You can edit and delete an entry / that you have previously added / to the software.

user guide : 
system requirement : 
glossary : 
index : 
track : 
expense : 
postage : 
stationery : 
entry : 
as needed : 
note : 
privilege : 
adjust : 
administration : 
appear : 
apply : 
attach : 
browse : 
cause : 
caution : 
confirm : 
connect : 
describe : 
detail : 
determine :
display : 
edit : 
expand : 
general : 
installation : 
issue : 
manually : 
maximum : 
navigate : 
orientation : 
overview : 
press : 
prevent : 
procedure : 
prompt : 
recommend : 
refer : 
register : 
related : 
resize : 
restart : 
rotate : 
safety : 
search : 
separate : 
status : 
step : 
swipe : 
synchronize : 
tap : 
then : 
tip : 
troubleshooting : 
upper-left : 
warning : 
where : 
~ allows you to ... : 
at any time : 
at the bottom of ~ : 
at the top of ~ : 
depending on ~ : 
for more information about ~ : 
one of the following : 
one or more : 
press and hold : 
