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IT개발자의 영어 필살기4

03. API 문서, 단어 문제지 mechanism : public : construct : success : failure : argumenet : array : attribute : Boolean : configuration : constructor : convert : current : default : define : description : element : expression : function : inherit : initialize : instance : integer : invoke : item : key : locale : method : multiple : note : null : object : optional : otherwise : parameter : pass : path : prefix : property :.. 2021. 8. 8.
02. 커밋 메시지, 단어 시험지 Fix bug that caused XMLParser to fail : Add links to tutorials to README.md : - commit : - cause : - documentation : - reflect : - change : - parse : - broken link : - add : - build : - bump : - clean : - commit : - config : - correctly : - crash : - debug : - dependency : - deprecated : - enable : - ensure : - fix : - function : - generic : - handle : - implement : - improve : - instead : - int.. 2021. 8. 6.
10. 기술 사양서, 단어 시험지 The purpose of this document / is to describe the requirements for MyExpenseTracker, / a smartphone application for tracking expenses. : The software shall have a graphical user interface (GUI) / that allows a user / to view and edit expense data. : introduction : scope : overall : perspective : characteristic : logical : appendices : assumption : dependency : additional : allow : any : appendix.. 2021. 8. 2.
09. 메뉴얼 MyExpenseTracker is a smartphone application / that allows you / to track expenses / of your business. : MyExpenseTracker는 모바일 앱이다. / 사용자가 할 수 있도록 / 경비를 추적하는 / 여러분 비즈니스의 You can edit and delete an entry / that you have previously added / to the software. : 여러분은 항목을 편집하고 삭제할 수 있다 / 이전에 추가했던 / 소프트웨어에 user guide : 사용 설명서(명) system requirement : 시스템 요구사항(명) glossary : 용어집(명) index : 찾아보기, 색인(명) trac.. 2021. 7. 31.