영어/단어장 문제지11 09. 메뉴얼, 단어 시험지 MyExpenseTracker is a smartphone application / that allows you / to track expenses / of your business. : You can edit and delete an entry / that you have previously added / to the software. : user guide : system requirement : glossary : index : track : expense : postage : stationery : entry : as needed : note : privilege : adjust : administration : appear : apply : attach : browse : cause : caut.. 2021. 7. 31. 08. 기술 블로그, 단어 시험지 This post will show you / how to use the Intl object / to implement internationalization (l18N) / on your JavaScript app. : The Intl object is a built-in object / that allows you / to format date and time, / format numbers, / and compare strings. : - implement : - internationalization : - internationalize : - localize : - built-in : - format : - locale : - above : - article : - awesome : - below.. 2021. 7. 30. 07. 뉴스, 단어 시험지 KRlangTech Inc. agreed / to buy ABCD Inc. / for $1.5 million, / securing a leadiing position / in the global machine translation industry. : The deal would be the biggest-ever / for KRlangTech, / which under CEO Kangho Kim / became one of the largest machine translation companies / in the world. : - secure : - artificial intelligence : - share : - premium : - close : - deal : - biggest-ever : - .. 2021. 7. 29. 06. 앱 사용자 후기, 단어 시험지 But it crashes frequently or I would give it 5 stars. : Luv it : Luv (Love) It is very addictive / but it is very glitchy and slow. : * 긍정 평가에 사용되는 형용사 addicting : addictive : adorable : amazing : awesome : challenging : cool : decent : enjoyable : entertaining : excellent : fantastic : favorite : fine : fun : great : handy : helpful : informative : nice : ok : perfect : simple : super : superb .. 2021. 7. 28. 05. 이메일, 단어 시험지 - It has one problem, however. When the app draws a graph for a long period, the number labels become a blur and make it impossible to see the graph line. : - Can you add a setting to turn off the number labels on the graph? : feature : request : exactly : draw : blur : definitely : announce : anyway : appreciate : check : contact : currently : discuss : email : guarantee : helpful : hesitate : .. 2021. 7. 27. 이전 1 2 다음